Privacy policy

Key details
This website privacy policy describes how M3H Publishing protects and makes use of the information you give the company when you use this website. If you are asked to provide information when using this website, it will only be used in the ways described in this privacy policy. This policy is updated from time to time. This website privacy policy was updated on: 30th April 2020.

If you have any questions about this policy, please email .

We gather and use certain information about individuals in order to provide quotes for our services. We also collect information to better understand how visitors use this website and to present timely, relevant information to them.

What data we gather
We may collect the following information:

  • Name 
  • Contact information including email address
  • Website usage data
  • Other information relevant to client enquiries
  • Other information pertaining to special offers and surveys

How we use this data
Collecting this data helps us understand what you are looking for from the company, enabling us to deliver improved products and services.

Specifically, we may use data:

  • For our own internal records.
  • To improve the products and services we provide.
  • To contact you in response to a specific enquiry.
  • To customise the website for you.
  • To send you promotional emails about products, services, offers and other things we think might be relevant to you.


Controlling information about you
We will never lease, distribute or sell your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or the law requires us to. Any personal information we hold about you is stored and processed under our data protection policy, in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.

We will always hold your information securely. To prevent unauthorised disclosure or access to your information, we have implemented strong physical and electronic security safeguards. We also follow stringent procedures to ensure we work with all personal data in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Links from our site
Our website may contain links to other websites. Please note that we have no control of websites outside the  domain. If you provide information to a website to which we link, we are not responsible for its protection and privacy.

Always be wary when submitting data to websites. Read the site’s data protection and privacy policies fully.